Monday, November 12, 2007

idiots in my school r stupid because they dont know how to open their lockers and one girl im not telling who but im going out with her and if that certain girl knows who i am pleese dont tell because i hate art we have mrs. gerhart or sumtin like that and she says i always do cruddy on my work cause we gotta sketch r name or sumtin like that. anyway getting back to this girl(not telling who) we kissed at this roller skating rink and we went for a field trip to the same rink friday and this one kid took my hand (when it was around her) and put it on her butt. it was funny he said *thats the right spot* it was hilarious and if anyyyyone from my school figures out who i really am i will kill u i swear to god except for the "one girl" a very special person in my life if u ever see this "special girl"

i love u, ur current b/f and ur admirer forever =)